Spatial Organization of Neural Networks: A Probabilistic Modeling Approach

Part of Neural Information Processing Systems 0 (NIPS 1987)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Andreas Stafylopatis, Marios D. Dikaiakos, D. Kontoravdis


The aim of this paper is to explore the spatial organization of neural networks under Markovian assumptions, in what concerns the be(cid:173) haviour of individual cells and the interconnection mechanism. Space(cid:173) organizational properties of neural nets are very relevant in image modeling and pattern analysis, where spatial computations on stocha(cid:173) stic two-dimensional image fields are involved. As a first approach we develop a random neural network model, based upon simple probabi(cid:173) listic assumptions, whose organization is studied by means of dis(cid:173) crete-event simulation. We then investigate the possibility of ap(cid:173) proXimating the random network's behaviour by using an analytical ap(cid:173) proach originating from the theory of general product-form queueing networks. The neural network is described by an open network of no(cid:173) des, in which customers moving from node to node represent stimula(cid:173) tions and connections between nodes are expressed in terms of sui(cid:173) tably selected routing probabilities. We obtain the solution of the model under different disciplines affecting the time spent by a sti(cid:173) mulation at each node visited. Results concerning the distribution of excitation in the network as a function of network topology and external stimulation arrival pattern are compared with measures ob(cid:173) tained from the simulation and validate the approach followed.