Learning to See Rotation and Dilation with a Hebb Rule

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3 (NIPS 1990)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Martin I. Sereno, Margaret E. Sereno


Previous work (M.I. Sereno, 1989; cf. M.E. Sereno, 1987) showed that a feedforward network with area VI-like input-layer units and a Hebb rule can develop area MT-like second layer units that solve the aperture problem for pattern motion. The present study extends this earlier work to more complex motions. Saito et al. (1986) showed that neurons with large receptive fields in macaque visual area MST are sensitive to different senses of rotation and dilation, irrespective of the receptive field location of the movement singularity. A network with an MT-like second layer was trained and tested on combinations of rotating, dilating, and translating patterns. Third-layer units learn to detect specific senses of rotation or dilation in a position-independent fashion, despite having position-dependent direction selectivity within their receptive fields.