Direction Selective Silicon Retina that uses Null Inhibition

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4 (NIPS 1991)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Ronald G. Benson, Tobi Delbrück


Biological retinas extract spatial and temporal features in an attempt to reduce the complexity of performing visual tasks. We have built and tested a silicon retina which encodes several useful temporal features found in ver(cid:173) tebrate retinas. The cells in our silicon retina are selective to direction, highly sensitive to positive contrast changes around an ambient light level, and tuned to a particular velocity. Inhibitory connections in the null di(cid:173) rection perform the direction selectivity we desire. This silicon retina is on a 4.6 x 6.8mm die and consists of a 47 x 41 array of photoreceptors.