Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5 (NIPS 1992)
Sylvie Renaud-Le Masson, Gwendal Le Masson, Eve Marder, L. F. Abbott
We demonstrate the use of a digital signal processing board to construct hybrid networks consisting of computer model neurons connected to a biological neural network. This system operates in real time. and the synaptic connections are realistic effective conductances. Therefore. the synapses made from the computer model neuron are integrated correctly by the postsynaptic biological neuron. This method provides us with the ability to add additional. completely known elements to a biological network and study their effect on network activity. Moreover. by changing the parameters of the model neuron. it is possible to assess the role of individual conductances in the activity of the neuron. and in the network in which it participates.
"Present address.
l-Enserb. CNRSURA 846. 351 crs de la Liberation. 33405 Talence Cedex. France.
lXL. Universit6 de Bordeaux
'Present address. LNPC. CNRS. Universite de Bordeaux 1. Place
de Dr. Peyneau. 33120 Arcachon. France