An Auditory Localization and Coordinate Transform Chip

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7 (NIPS 1994)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Timothy K. Horiuchi


The localization and orientation to various novel or interesting events in the environment is a critical sensorimotor ability in all animals, predator or prey. In mammals, the superior colliculus (SC) plays a major role in this behavior, the deeper layers ex(cid:173) hibiting topographically mapped responses to visual, auditory, and somatosensory stimuli. Sensory information arriving from differ(cid:173) ent modalities should then be represented in the same coordinate frame. Auditory cues, in particular, are thought to be computed in head-based coordinates which must then be transformed to reti(cid:173) nal coordinates. In this paper, an analog VLSI implementation for auditory localization in the azimuthal plane is described which ex(cid:173) tends the architecture proposed for the barn owl to a primate eye movement system where further transformation is required. This transformation is intended to model the projection in primates from auditory cortical areas to the deeper layers of the primate superior colliculus. This system is interfaced with an analog VLSI-based saccadic eye movement system also being constructed in our labo(cid:173) ratory.