ICEG Morphology Classification using an Analogue VLSI Neural Network

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7 (NIPS 1994)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Richard Coggins, Marwan A. Jabri, Barry Flower, Stephen Pickard


An analogue VLSI neural network has been designed and tested to perform cardiac morphology classification tasks. Analogue tech(cid:173) niques were chosen to meet the strict power and area requirements of an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) system. The ro(cid:173) bustness of the neural network architecture reduces the impact of noise, drift and offsets inherent in analogue approaches. The net(cid:173) work is a 10:6:3 multi-layer percept ron with on chip digital weight storage, a bucket brigade input to feed the Intracardiac Electro(cid:173) gram (ICEG) to the network and has a winner take all circuit at the output. The network was trained in loop and included a commercial ICD in the signal processing path. The system has suc(cid:173) cessfully distinguished arrhythmia for different patients with better than 90% true positive and true negative detections for dangerous rhythms which cannot be detected by present ICDs. The chip was implemented in 1.2um CMOS and consumes less than 200n W max(cid:173) imum average power in an area of 2.2 x 2.2mm2.