A Hippocampal Model of Recognition Memory

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10 (NIPS 1997)

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Randall C. O'Reilly, Kenneth A. Norman, James L. McClelland


A rich body of data exists showing that recollection of specific infor(cid:173) mation makes an important contribution to recognition memory, which is distinct from the contribution of familiarity, and is not adequately cap(cid:173) tured by existing unitary memory models. Furthennore, neuropsycholog(cid:173) ical evidence indicates that recollection is sub served by the hippocampus. We present a model, based largely on known features of hippocampal anatomy and physiology, that accounts for the following key character(cid:173) istics of recollection: 1) false recollection is rare (i.e., participants rarely claim to recollect having studied nonstudied items), and 2) increasing in(cid:173) terference leads to less recollection but apparently does not compromise the quality of recollection (i.e., the extent to which recollected infonna(cid:173) tion veridically reflects events that occurred at study).