Bidirectional Retrieval from Associative Memory

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10 (NIPS 1997)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Friedrich T. Sommer, Günther Palm


Similarity based fault tolerant retrieval in neural associative mem(cid:173) ories (N AM) has not lead to wiedespread applications. A draw(cid:173) back of the efficient Willshaw model for sparse patterns [Ste61, WBLH69], is that the high asymptotic information capacity is of little practical use because of high cross talk noise arising in the retrieval for finite sizes. Here a new bidirectional iterative retrieval method for the Willshaw model is presented, called crosswise bidi(cid:173) rectional (CB) retrieval, providing enhanced performance. We dis(cid:173) cuss its asymptotic capacity limit, analyze the first step, and com(cid:173) pare it in experiments with the Willshaw model. Applying the very efficient CB memory model either in information retrieval systems or as a functional model for reciprocal cortico-cortical pathways requires more than robustness against random noise in the input: Our experiments show also the segmentation ability of CB-retrieval with addresses containing the superposition of pattens, provided even at high memory load.