Scheduling Straight-Line Code Using Reinforcement Learning and Rollouts

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (NIPS 1998)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Amy McGovern, J. Eliot B. Moss


In 1986, Tanner and Mead [1] implemented an interesting constraint sat(cid:173) isfaction circuit for global motion sensing in a VLSI. We report here a new and improved a VLSI implementation that provides smooth optical flow as well as global motion in a two dimensional visual field. The com(cid:173) putation of optical flow is an ill-posed problem, which expresses itself as the aperture problem. However, the optical flow can be estimated by the use of regularization methods, in which additional constraints are intro(cid:173) duced in terms of a global energy functional that must be minimized . We show how the algorithmic constraints of Hom and Schunck [2] on com(cid:173) puting smooth optical flow can be mapped onto the physical constraints of an equivalent electronic network.