Restructuring Sparse High Dimensional Data for Effective Retrieval

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (NIPS 1998)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Charles Lee Isbell Jr., Paul A. Viola


The task in text retrieval is to find the subset of a collection of documents relevant to a user's information request, usually expressed as a set of words. Classically, documents and queries are represented as vectors of word counts. In its simplest form, relevance is defined to be the dot product between a document and a query vector-a measure of the number of common terms. A central difficulty in text retrieval is that the presence or absence of a word is not sufficient to determine relevance to a query. Linear dimensionality reduction has been proposed as a tech(cid:173) nique for extracting underlying structure from the document collection. In some domains (such as vision) dimensionality reduction reduces computational com(cid:173) plexity. In text retrieval it is more often used to improve retrieval performance. We propose an alternative and novel technique that produces sparse represen(cid:173) tations constructed from sets of highly-related words. Documents and queries are represented by their distance to these sets, and relevance is measured by the number of common clusters. This technique significantly improves retrieval per(cid:173) formance, is efficient to compute and shares properties with the optimal linear projection operator and the independent components of documents.