An MEG Study of Response Latency and Variability in the Human Visual System During a Visual-Motor Integration Task

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (NIPS 1999)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Akaysha C. Tang, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Tim A. Hely, Michael Zibulevsky, Michael P. Weisend


Human reaction times during sensory-motor tasks vary consider(cid:173) ably. To begin to understand how this variability arises, we exam(cid:173) ined neuronal populational response time variability at early versus late visual processing stages. The conventional view is that pre(cid:173) cise temporal information is gradually lost as information is passed through a layered network of mean-rate "units." We tested in hu(cid:173) mans whether neuronal populations at different processing stages behave like mean-rate "units". A blind source separation algorithm was applied to MEG signals from sensory-motor integration tasks. Response time latency and variability for multiple visual sources were estimated by detecting single-trial stimulus-locked events for each source. In two subjects tested on four visual reaction time tasks, we reliably identified sources belonging to early and late vi(cid:173) sual processing stages. The standard deviation of response latency was smaller for early rather than late processing stages. This sup(cid:173) ports the hypothesis that human populational response time vari(cid:173) ability increases from early to late visual processing stages.