Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (NIPS 1999)
Sebastian Mika, Gunnar Rätsch, Jason Weston, Bernhard Schölkopf, Alex J. Smola, Klaus-Robert Müller
In hyperspectral imagery one pixel typically consists of a mixture of the reflectance spectra of several materials, where the mixture coefficients correspond to the abundances of the constituting ma(cid:173) terials. We assume linear combinations of reflectance spectra with some additive normal sensor noise and derive a probabilistic MAP framework for analyzing hyperspectral data. As the material re(cid:173) flectance characteristics are not know a priori, we face the problem of unsupervised linear unmixing. The incorporation of different prior information (e.g. positivity and normalization of the abun(cid:173) dances) naturally leads to a family of interesting algorithms, for example in the noise-free case yielding an algorithm that can be understood as constrained independent component analysis (ICA). Simulations underline the usefulness of our theory.