Channel Noise in Excitable Neural Membranes

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (NIPS 1999)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Amit Manwani, Peter N. Steinmetz, Christof Koch


Stochastic fluctuations of voltage-gated ion channels generate current and voltage noise in neuronal membranes. This noise may be a criti(cid:173) cal determinant of the efficacy of information processing within neural systems. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, we carry out a systematic in(cid:173) vestigation of the relationship between channel kinetics and the result(cid:173) ing membrane voltage noise using a stochastic Markov version of the Mainen-Sejnowski model of dendritic excitability in cortical neurons. Our simulations show that kinetic parameters which lead to an increase in membrane excitability (increasing channel densities, decreasing tem(cid:173) perature) also lead to an increase in the magnitude of the sub-threshold voltage noise. Noise also increases as the membrane is depolarized from rest towards threshold. This suggests that channel fluctuations may in(cid:173) terfere with a neuron's ability to function as an integrator of its synaptic inputs and may limit the reliability and precision of neural information processing.