Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (NIPS 1999)
Yuansong Liao, John E. Moody
The committee approach has been proposed for reducing model uncertainty and improving generalization performance. The ad(cid:173) vantage of committees depends on (1) the performance of individ(cid:173) ual members and (2) the correlational structure of errors between members. This paper presents an input grouping technique for de(cid:173) signing a heterogeneous committee. With this technique, all input variables are first grouped based on their mutual information. Sta(cid:173) tistically similar variables are assigned to the same group. Each member's input set is then formed by input variables extracted from different groups. Our designed committees have less error cor(cid:173) relation between its members, since each member observes different input variable combinations. The individual member's feature sets contain less redundant information, because highly correlated vari(cid:173) ables will not be combined together. The member feature sets con(cid:173) tain almost complete information, since each set contains a feature from each information group. An empirical study for a noisy and nonstationary economic forecasting problem shows that commit(cid:173) tees constructed by our proposed technique outperform committees formed using several existing techniques.