Recognizing Evoked Potentials in a Virtual Environment

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (NIPS 1999)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Jessica D. Bayliss, Dana H. Ballard


Virtual reality (VR) provides immersive and controllable experimen(cid:173) tal environments. It expands the bounds of possible evoked potential (EP) experiments by providing complex, dynamic environments in or(cid:173) der to study cognition without sacrificing environmental control. VR also serves as a safe dynamic testbed for brain-computer .interface (BCl) research. However, there has been some concern about detecting EP sig(cid:173) nals in a complex VR environment. This paper shows that EPs exist at red, green, and yellow stop lights in a virtual driving environment. Ex(cid:173) perimental results show the existence of the P3 EP at "go" and "stop" lights and the contingent negative variation (CNY) EP at "slow down" lights. In order to test the feasibility of on-line recognition in VR, we looked at recognizing the P3 EP at red stop tights and the absence of this signal at yellow slow down lights. Recognition results show that the P3 may successfully be used to control the brakes of a VR car at stop lights.