Configuration Estimates Improve Pedestrian Finding

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20 (NIPS 2007)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Duan Tran, David A. Forsyth


Fair discriminative pedestrian finders are now available. In fact, these pedestrian finders make most errors on pedestrians in configurations that are uncommon in the training data, for example, mounting a bicycle. This is undesirable. However, the human configuration can itself be estimated discriminatively using structure learning. We demonstrate a pedestrian finder which first finds the most likely human pose in the window using a discriminative procedure trained with structure learning on a small dataset. We then present features (local histogram of oriented gradient and local PCA of gradient) based on that configuration to an SVM classifier. We show, using the INRIA Person dataset, that estimates of configuration significantly improve the accuracy of a discriminative pedestrian finder.