McRank: Learning to Rank Using Multiple Classification and Gradient Boosting

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20 (NIPS 2007)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Ping Li, Qiang Wu, Christopher J. Burges


We cast the ranking problem as (1) multiple classification (“Mc”) (2) multiple or- dinal classification, which lead to computationally tractable learning algorithms for relevance ranking in Web search. We consider the DCG criterion (discounted cumulative gain), a standard quality measure in information retrieval. Our ap- proach is motivated by the fact that perfect classifications result in perfect DCG scores and the DCG errors are bounded by classification errors. We propose us- ing the Expected Relevance to convert class probabilities into ranking scores. The class probabilities are learned using a gradient boosting tree algorithm. Evalua- tions on large-scale datasets show that our approach can improve LambdaRank [5] and the regressions-based ranker [6], in terms of the (normalized) DCG scores. An efficient implementation of the boosting tree algorithm is also presented.