Signal-to-Noise Ratio Analysis of Policy Gradient Algorithms

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21 (NIPS 2008)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


John W. Roberts, Russ Tedrake


Policy gradient (PG) reinforcement learning algorithms have strong (local) convergence guarantees, but their learning performance is typically limited by a large variance in the estimate of the gradient. In this paper, we formulate the variance reduction problem by describing a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for policy gradient algorithms, and evaluate this SNR carefully for the popular Weight Perturbation (WP) algorithm. We confirm that SNR is a good predictor of long-term learning performance, and that in our episodic formulation, the cost-to-go function is indeed the optimal baseline. We then propose two modifications to traditional model-free policy gradient algorithms in order to optimize the SNR. First, we examine WP using anisotropic sampling distributions, which introduces a bias into the update but increases the SNR; this bias can be interpretted as following the natural gradient of the cost function. Second, we show that non-Gaussian distributions can also increase the SNR, and argue that the optimal isotropic distribution is a ‘shell’ distribution with a constant magnitude and uniform distribution in direction. We demonstrate that both modifications produce substantial improvements in learning performance in challenging policy gradient experiments.