Extending Phase Mechanism to Differential Motion Opponency for Motion Pop-out

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22 (NIPS 2009)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Yicong Meng, Bertram E. Shi


We extend the concept of phase tuning, a ubiquitous mechanism in sensory neurons including motion and disparity detection neurons, to the motion contrast detection. We demonstrate that motion contrast can be detected by phase shifts between motion neuronal responses in different spatial regions. By constructing the differential motion opponency in response to motions in two different spatial regions, varying motion contrasts can be detected, where similar motion is detected by zero phase shifts and differences in motion by non-zero phase shifts. The model can exhibit either enhancement or suppression of responses by either different or similar motion in the surrounding. A primary advantage of the model is that the responses are selective to relative motion instead of absolute motion, which could model neurons found in neurophysiological experiments responsible for motion pop-out detection.