Matrix Completion for Multi-label Image Classification

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24 (NIPS 2011)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Ricardo S. Cabral, Fernando Torre, Joao P. Costeira, Alexandre Bernardino


Recently, image categorization has been an active research topic due to the urgent need to retrieve and browse digital images via semantic keywords. This paper formulates image categorization as a multi-label classification problem using recent advances in matrix completion. Under this setting, classification of testing data is posed as a problem of completing unknown label entries on a data matrix that concatenates training and testing features with training labels. We propose two convex algorithms for matrix completion based on a Rank Minimization criterion specifically tailored to visual data, and prove its convergence properties. A major advantage of our approach w.r.t. standard discriminative classification methods for image categorization is its robustness to outliers, background noise and partial occlusions both in the feature and label space. Experimental validation on several datasets shows how our method outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms, while effectively capturing semantic concepts of classes.