Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24 (NIPS 2011)
Nasser M. Nasrabadi, Trac D. Tran, Nam Nguyen
This paper studies the problem of accurately recovering a sparse vector $\beta^{\star}$ from highly corrupted linear measurements $y = X \beta^{\star} + e^{\star} + w$ where $e^{\star}$ is a sparse error vector whose nonzero entries may be unbounded and $w$ is a bounded noise. We propose a so-called extended Lasso optimization which takes into consideration sparse prior information of both $\beta^{\star}$ and $e^{\star}$. Our first result shows that the extended Lasso can faithfully recover both the regression and the corruption vectors. Our analysis is relied on a notion of extended restricted eigenvalue for the design matrix $X$. Our second set of results applies to a general class of Gaussian design matrix $X$ with i.i.d rows $\oper N(0, \Sigma)$, for which we provide a surprising phenomenon: the extended Lasso can recover exact signed supports of both $\beta^{\star}$ and $e^{\star}$ from only $\Omega(k \log p \log n)$ observations, even the fraction of corruption is arbitrarily close to one. Our analysis also shows that this amount of observations required to achieve exact signed support is optimal.