Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
Problem: Given a directed graph G compute the subset
of k vertices whose infections leads to the maximum number of nodes being
infected before time T, under the independent cascade model.
paper builds heavily on top of the original paper on influence
maximization in continuous-time diffusion networks (Gomez-Rodriguez &
Scholkopf, ICML 2012). There are two pieces of cleverness that appear to
be unique to this paper:
I. Reformulate continuous-time diffusion
networks in terms of independent variates on the edges.
The basic
contribution of this paper seems to stem from the observation that a
continuous-time diffusion network can be converted from a distribution
over the contagion times for nodes (t_i) to a distribution over
transmission times between nodes (\tau_{ji}). Under the independent
cascade model, the transmission times between nodes are independent.
The independent cascade model is a strong assumption in practice,
but one the authors acknowledge freely. Have the authors considered
whether there are natural relaxations of the independent cascade model
which do not violate the independence of transmission times too much:
e.g., allow a node to be more receptive to contagion if a large number of
nodes, not necessarily direct parents, are contaminated. Such a relaxation
might help capture the effects of mass advertising in the viral marketing
II. Estimating the objective using Cohen's algorithm
The second contribution of this paper is to show that the
objective can be reformulated as a neighborhood size estimation problem,
and that Cohen's randomized algorithm can be directly applied to estimate
the objective given sample data (Section 5).
I was surprised that
the authors did not mention that Cohen's algorithm has been used before
for influence maximization, in a different setting (Chen et al, KDD 2009 :
Section 2). The authors cite the Chen paper in a laundry list of papers
which consider influence maximization, but neglect to mention how Chen et
al. use Cohen's algorithm to compute the transitive closure of a directed
graph to speed up a submodular influence maximization problem under a
weighted cascade model. I'll point out that Cohen's algorithm handles both
transitive closure and neighborhood counting on a directed graph.
I understand that continuous-time diffusion networks are a
different model from that of Chen et al., but its use in this paper is so
similar to that of Chen et al., it begs the question---is Section 5 a
totally novel use of Cohen's algorithm; or is it a novel reworking of an
idea used previously for influence maximization, to continuous-time
diffusion networks?
General Comments:
The paper does not
assume too much in the way of prior knowledge: the continuous-time
independent cascade model is explained (Section 2) as is submodular
influence maximization (Section 6). The material should be accessible to a
broad audience.
The experimental results are quite compelling:
ConTinEst is vastly faster than the alternatives, and handles more general
models of transition time.
Minor comments:
L671: Typo
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
Compelling results, elegant algorithm. I have concerns
that the authors haven't appropriated credited Chen et al. (KDD 2009), who
appears to have used very similar ideas for a very similar problem, to a
very similar end.
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper presents a graphical formulation of
continuous time diffusion model, a randomized algorithm (adapted from
Cohen 1997) to perform efficient approximate inference, and optimizing a
sub-modular function over the set of source nodes for influence
maximization. Results on synthetic (Kronecker graph) data sets and real,
Member tracker datasets are reported, estimation accuracy and run time are
reported against baselines of earlier work infmax/ICML'12, inference with
naive sampling strategy, and a few alternatives in [Netrapalli,
This paper is attacking a significant problem,
have novel insights that leads to efficient and effective algorithms.
Compelling results are reported on datasets of significant size against a
range of baselines methods, in both the main text and supplemental
material. The paper is dense, but quite well-written.
The shortest
path property (mentioned in page 2 Sec 2 and used in Sec 3 and 4) leads to
the most likely diffusion path (e.g. A-->B directly, where A and B are
some nodes), and not averaged over all possible transmission paths (e.g.
averaging with A-->C-->B). The authors did not state this in the
text, but I felt this may not be too apparent to mention.
It would
be nice to see if the most influential nodes inferred from this algorithm
concur with intuition and/or social network insight here (e.g. for the
meme tracker data).
Q2: Please summarize your review
in 1-2 sentences
This paper is attacking a significant problem, have
novel insights that leads to efficient and effective algorithms.
Compelling results are reported on datasets of significant size against a
range of baselines methods, in both the main text and supplemental
material. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The paper addresses how to estimate and maximize
influence in large networks, where influence of node (or set of nodes) A
is the expected number of nodes that will eventually adopt a certain idea
following the initial adoption by A. The authors develop an algorithm for
estimating influence within a given time frame, then use it as the basis
of a greedy algorithm to find a given number of nodes to (approximately)
maximize influence within the given time frame. They present theoretical
bounds and an experimental evaluation of the algorithm.
authors build on an extensive list of existing work, which is
appropriately cited. The most relevant is the work by Gomez-Rodriguez
& Scholkopf (2012), which provides an exact analytical solution to the
identical formulation of the influence estimation problem. The main
innovation in the present paper is a fast randomized algorithm for
estimating influence, which is based on the algorithm for estimating
neighborhood size by Cohen (1997). This approximation allows more
flexibility in modeling the flows through the edges, is substantially
faster than the analytical solution, and scales well with network size.
Overall, this is a solid paper on an important topic of practical
I am not sure I can agree with the authors' conclusion
that "Clearly, CONTINEST estimates the real influence of each source node
significantly better than competitive models." In Figure 3a, the
differences in Mean Absolute Error between the best and the worst method
are about 2, and the differences between the best and the second-best
method are about 1. I am assuming that the unit of measurement is "nodes".
In a network of 600 nodes, 1-2 nodes seem to be small difference (but it
is difficult to judge this without knowing the levels of influence in the
dataset and variance in error, which are not reported). Also, the use of
'significantly' is best reserved for differences that are statistically
It would be useful to have: a verbal explanation of
Equation 6; run times of the various algorithms on the real-world network;
a measure of variance in Figure 3.
The supplementary material
contains quite a bit of useful information. I suggest moving some of the
experimental results to the main paper, especially section F2. This should
be possible in terms of space. While the paper is reasonably clear, it can
be written more succinctly and elegantly without losing content.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
This is a solid paper on estimating influence in large
networks, an important topic of practical relevance.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We first thank the reviewers for their constructive
and valuable comments. We want to emphasize the main contributions of the
1. We proposed a novel graphical model view of the
influence estimation problem in continuous-time diffusion networks, which
enables us to reduce the problem to a sequence of parallelizable
neighborhood estimation problems in static graphs.
2. We proposed
an efficient algorithm for influence estimation and maximization in
continuous-time diffusion networks with provable performance guarantees.
3. Experiments on both large scale synthetic networks (up to one
million nodes) and real network data (memetracker) show that our algorithm
improves over previous state-of-the-arts in terms of the accuracy of the
estimated influence, the quality of the selected nodes in maximizing the
influence and the run-time of reaching the solution.
******Reviewer 2:
For continuous-time models that deviate
from the assumption of independent cascades, one can first approximate the
model locally with independent cascade models. Due to the graphical model
view laid out in the paper, such approximation can be well justified from
a graphical model variational inference point of view.
algorithm is a novel use of Cohen's algorithm, and it is substantially
different from that of Chen et al. KDD 2009 in the following key aspects:
1. The transitive closure problem in Chen et al is quite different
from the neighborhood-at-distance-T problem in our algorithm. The former
can be viewed as a special case of the latter where the distance is fixed
but set to a very large number. Furthermore, in the latter problem, our
algorithm needs to be designed in such a way that queries for a range of
distance values T can be carried efficiently. Therefore, additional
algorithmic steps (modified Dijkstra's algorithm) and special data
structure (least-label list) need to be constructed to support such
queries. Although both Chen et al. and us used the exponential estimator
as in equation (9), the similarity stops there. The modified Dijkstra's
algorithm and least-label-list components are not used by Chen et al.
2. Our second novel use of the Cohen algorithm arises in the case
of influence estimation for multiple sources. Again, the computation is
drastically reduced by cleverly using the least label least obtained from
single source case, which is not considered at all by Chen et al.
3. We have provided formal statistical guarantees for our
influence estimation and maximization algorithms using Cohen's algorithm
as a component. Such formal guarantees are missed in the paper of Chen et
We will clarify these difference in the final version of the
******Reviewer 4:
We note that the shortest path
property is applicable to the case when the set of transmission times
(edge weights) are fixed. In our algorithm, we need to sample many sets of
transmission times, and the shortest paths may change from A-C-B to A-B
depending on the sample. Thus, our algorithm can take into account the
effects of both A-B and A-C-B being potential shortest paths and "average"
the results.
We investigated the web sites corresponding to the
selected 10 sources which maximize the influence within a month in the
memetracker dataset. They include digg.com (a popular news site), lxer.com
(Linux news and open sources), exopolitics.blogs.com (politics),
mac.softpedia.com (mac rumors), gettheflick.blogspot.com (pictures),
urbanplanet.org (the world's favorite discussion forum for urban
enthusiasts), givemeaning.blogspot.com (politics), talkgreen.ca
(environmental protection), curriki.org (education), and pcworld.com
(technology). This set consists of highly popular sites and other less
popular sites. While this is conforming to the common intuition of viral
marketing, we emphasize that our algorithm is also able to improve
quantitatively the actual influence.
******Reviewer 5:
In Figure 3(a), we actually reported the standard error at each
data point by randomly splitting all the cascades into a 80% training set
and a 20% test set and repeating the random splitting for five times in
total. The average standard error for ConTinEst is 0.0024, which is too
small for the error bar to be obvious in the Figure 3(a).
reason for the 1-2 nodes difference in the performance of different
algorithms is that the length of the observed cascades roughly conforms to
a power-law distribution where most cascades are very short consisting
normally of 2-4 nodes while few of them are relatively long. The
difference of the estimation error is thus relatively small, but
statistically significant (we can add formally statistical test results).
We emphasize that such improvement in the estimation accuracy for
each individual node is critical for choosing nodes to maximize
longer-term influence. In this case, roughly the overall diffusion model
needs to "pieces" or "chains" together the influence of individual nodes,
and the error in the influence estimation for individuals will accumulate
along the diffusion paths. Hence any consistent improvement in influence
estimation for individual nodes can lead to significant improvement in
overall influence estimation and maximization process.
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