Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper consider the infinitely-armed bandit
problem with Bernoulli distributions and a uniform prior over the
parameters. The authors present a fundamentally new strategy and they show
that on average it obtains a cumulative reward of order at least n -
\sqrt{2 n} (in the known horizon case). They also show a matching lower
bound and they extend the results to the anytime setting and more general
I strongly vote to accept this paper. It is refreshing to
see a truly new strategy to such a fundamental problem. I have a few minor
comments: - Could you try to derive finite-time results? At least it
would be important to obtain the rate in m. - In the lower bound could
you remove the assumption that if you get a 1 then you stay on the same
arm? - The related work section could have been slightly expanded,
perhaps a general reference to the bandit literature would
help. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
Truly new strategy for a fundamental
problem. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The paper investigates a bandit model in which the
rewards of the arms follow Bernoulli distributions and the number of arms
is infinite. To tackle this problem, the authors proposed a 2-target
algorithm in which an arm is chosen to be the best candidate if the length
of its first run (i.e., the length of its first consecutive sequence of 1
rewards) has to be larger than a certain threshold l1(target 1), and the
total length of its first m runs has to be larger than a certain value l2
(target 2), for a given m. By doing so, the authors could provide a
\sqrt(2T) regret bound for the known horizon case (T is the horizon),
and 2\sqrt(T) for the case when the horizon is not known beforehand.
The former result rejects the conjecture of Berry et al,. which states
that the lower bound of known horizon case is 2\sqrt(T).
I found
the paper very easy to read. Indeed, I did not find any difficulty to
follow the structure of the paper. I also found the proofs very
My only concern is that due to the restriction of the
distributions, it might not attract much attention from the theoretical
community. However, I believe that this model has a significant
application domain, as Bernoulli distributions are quite frequent in many
real world problems.
Q2: Please summarize your
review in 1-2 sentences
This paper investigates a very interesing model,
advancing the state of the art by proposing a new algorithm that provides
tight results on the regret bound.
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The main contribution of the paper is to close a
constant gap between the lower and upper bounds of the asymptotic regret
in an infinite-armed bandit setting where the arms are drawn from a
uniform distribution and the length of the horizon is known. The result is
extended for unknown horizons and more generic distributions, at the
expense of loosing the tightness between the lower and the upper bounds.
Quality Algorithm 1 is an interesting addition to the
literature. Its upper bound matches the lower bound proven in [2]. The
algorithmic idea is novel and non-obvious and the regret proof is sound.
It is important to note that the algorithmic strategy is only of
theoretical interest at this point, as its regret guarantee holds when
both n (the horizon length) and m (the number of "runs" of an arm) go to
My first question is whether you tried to get an upper
bound for m in terms of n so that we can get a more informative result
than Proposition 1? Such a result would help get rid of m as a parameter
if one would actually want to use the algorithm in an applied setting.
One weakness of the paper is the lack of at least basic numerical
results about the finite time behavior of Algorithm 1. Even though the
result is asymptotic, it is interesting to understand how it behaves for a
well defined horizon length (as discussed on page 2105 in [2] for
example). While in section 5, the authors compare the empirical regret of
the algorithm with the asymptotic lower bound, it would be interesting
(since it might have an impact in an applied setting) to verify how the
algorithm compares with the strategies introduced in [2] or [6] for
My second question is about the statement that the lower
bound in [2] is incorrect (line 064). First, the authors mention Theorem 2
in [2], but Theorem 2 in the referred paper is about the upper bound for
the k-failure strategy. So I am assuming they talk about the Theorem 3.
The note at lines 102-105 mention an assumption from the lower bound
theorem in [2] that I was unable to locate in that paper. As a
consequence, I am not convinced that the original lower bound proof is
incorrect. Could you please clarify? Also, in the case the paper is
accepted and the lower bound is indeed incorrect, please add a more
detailed description of the error in the appendix.
Clarity The
paper is well written and relatively easy to follow.
Regarding the
organization, I would recommend decreasing the space allocated to the
description of Algorithm 2 as it is pretty similar at a high level to
Algorithm 1 and it clearly doesn't need 3/4 of a page to understand.
Originality and Significance I am not fully convinced of the
significance of the paper (at least from the point of view of being
published in a conference like NIPS). While I think it is important that a
gap is closed, I would like to understand the impact of the algorithm
either from a more applied perspective or get some insights with respect
to where it could be used from a theoretical perspective. That being said,
to the best of my knowledge, the algorithmic ideas are novel and
interesting and they might be of use for other bandit
algorithms. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
While I am not convinced about the importance of the
results, the paper is an interesting contribution to the bandit literature
as it describes a novel algorithmic strategy that is optimal in a simple
infinite-armed bandit setting.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We thank the reviewers for their useful comments. Here
are our responses to their questions and concerns: * Finite-time
analysis: The proof of Proposition 1 is in fact based on a finite-time
analysis. To get a simple, explicit upper bound on the regret as a
function of n and m, it is indeed sufficient to replace the term (l2-j)! /
(l2-l1-j)! by either l2! / (l2-l1)! or (l2-m+1)! / (l2-l1-m+1)! when the
corresponding sum in j appears in the denominator or in the numerator,
respectively, of the terms of the right-hand side of inequality (1). We
plan to include the resulting expression in the statement of Proposition
1, as suggested by the reviewers. * The "replay-upon-success"
assumption: As pointed out by one of the reviewers, our proof of the lower
bound is based on the assumption that any arm giving a success at time t
is replayed at time t+1. Although this assumption is probably not
critical, we have not yet been able to relax it. * The incorrect
argument in the lower bound of Berry et. al.: First, we indeed refer to
Theorem 3 in [2] and not to Theorem 2; we thank the reviewer who pointed
out this typo. Next, we should have referred to an independence "argument"
instead of "assumption" in our text; this may have confused the reviewer.
There is indeed no explicit assumption of independence. But the proof is
based on the implicit assumption that the number of explored arms and the
mean rewards of these arms are independent random variables. This is
clearly incorrect, as shown by our simple example of the 1-failure policy
in footnote 1 and, more explicitly, by the incorrect lower bound derived
for a beta distribution in footnote 2. * Other comments: The final
version of the paper, if accepted, would devote more space to the
numerical results, with a comparison with existing strategies like the run
policy, and to the related work. We may indeed reduce the description of
Algorithm 2 to get additional space.