NeurIPS 2019
Sun Dec 8th through Sat the 14th, 2019 at Vancouver Convention Center
Reviewer 1
The authors present novel work regarding the ability of coupled autoencoders to analyse multi-modal profiles of neurons. Previous work is well cited and the work is technically sound with well supported and clear claims. This work is highly significant as neuroscience labs around the world grapple with defining neuronal cell types; the problem has become especially acute given the explosion of high-throughput ‘big data’ transcriptomic datasets. Minor issues: Fig 4 legend typo “ephysiological” Line 252 missing word “one” between “only” and “of” here: “were allowed to be in only of the two subsets”
Reviewer 2
This is a very interesting paper on a highly pertinent question: how do neural cell type definitions align across different data modalities. The figures all still look a little rough and need to be brushed up for publication. l.80 E and D are limited to 'linear' transformations? Why is this? And how does that fitted to the, presumably, nonlinear MLPs used later? The notation in section 2.1. is unnecessarily cluttered, please shorten and clean up. For instance, alphas can be absorped in the lambdas? Please state clearly the difference to and novelty over citation [9]. Proposition seems trivial and unnecessary, it would seem fine to just say in plain text that this may happen. Moreover, I am rather confused by your complicated approach to the shrinkage problem as a trivial solution to the euclidean distances between hidden states. Would it not suffice to simply look at the L2 distances after normalization (i.e. dividing by the norm) or look at a normalized distance metric like cosine similarity? That would seem a much simpler solution than sections 2.2 and 2.3? The crossmodal prediction tasks seem very interesting but I am not sure if I understood the details, could you explain the results a bit more? (e.g. what predictors are used, what is predicted?) I am also a little uneasy about the clustering performed on top of the latent representations. How much is the latent geometry determined by the workaround (2.2.)? Is it surprising that is so regular and missing data fills in well? In unimodal cell type clustering there is a lot of uncertainty about the clusters and whether they are biologically meaningful. In this second stage clustering on the aligned latents it seems even more removed and harder to interpret whether this is actually something that falls in line with the underlying biology. Theoretically, should not the cell type identites be the ultimate latent (causal) factors that yield perfect alignment across data modalities – modulo intra-type variability?
Reviewer 3
Originality: Multimodal data is increasingly becoming available in various omics field. Notably in neuroscience, patch-seq has been recently developed to profile neurons both transcriptomically and electrophysiologically (Cadwell et al, 2016, Fuzik et al 2016). Now, the first large data sets are becoming available, yet analysis methods that can fully leverage the multimodal data sets are still largely missing (see Tripathy et al, 2018; Tripathy et al. 2017, Kobak et al. 2018). The present submission extends prior work in coupled autoencoder architecture to patch-seq and equips them with a new loss function for the coupling loss that does not allow for degenerate solutions. Quality: Overall the paper appears to be well done – it almost contains a bit too much material for such a short format. There are some aspects, however, which lessen my enthusiasm: Fig 2: I would *really* like to see the embedding produced by uncoupled autoencoders (lambda=0). Currently it's not clear if the coupled representation is driven primarily by transcriptomics, primarily by electrophysiology, etc. Fig. 3: It seems the representation by the transcriptome autoencoder is much better than that of the ephys encoder and titrating lambda effectively “contaminates” the good transcriptome representation with the poor ephys representation, judiging from the accuracy with different lambdas. While lambda=10 provides a good compromise, ideally one would like to enhance the worse of the two representations, not make both poorer. Fig 3: I could not find any details of the CCA implementation. Vanilla CCA requires inverting covariance matrices but with n=1518 and p=1252, covariance matrix in the transcriptomic space is very badly determined, likely resulting in strong overfitting. One would need to use regularized CCA (with cross-validation to select the ridge penalty) or at least strongly reduce the dimensionality with PCA before running CCA. Otherwise the comparison does not make a lot of sense for a trivial reason. The very poor CCA performance in panel C (see also line 238) suggests that it could have been the case. Fig. 3: I did not understand the results in C – in the supervised setting lambda = 0/10 lead to very good results in terms of transcriptomic representation (and ephys as well), but in C it by far leads to the worst, while lambda =100 (which is terrible in A/B) leads to the best. Please explain. -> The author reply has adressed the two last points in a convincing manner, so I adjusted my score. Clarity: lines 37-42: this is phrased as if coupled autoencoders do not "involve calculation of explicit transformation matrices and possibly parameters of multi-layer perceptrons" but in reality they do. Consider rephrasing. It is not clear from the text if Feng et al. used batch normalization. From a cursory look at Feng et al., they did not use it. According to this paper, this cannot yield meaningful results. Please explain. Lines 119-125: I could not understand what is claimed here. Proposition 2 and especially the sentence underneath look as if they are saying that k-CBNAE has some bad properties ("not have a stable training path", "measure zero", inequality with <\epsilon). But the authors probably want to argue that k-CBNAE has good properties. Lines 140 and following: The transition from the deterministic to the probabilistic setting was to quick for me and unmotivated, especially because the authors use this form by optimizing lambda later on. Please expand. lines 143-144: transcriptomic data and sparse PCA has not yet been described: the data are first mentioned in the next section line 166: if Fig 1C-D use FACS dataset and not MNIST dataset, you should say so in the caption of Fig 1. Fig 2: consider using 2D bottleneck for this figure instead of 3D. It's fine to use 3D for later analysis like in Fig. 3 if the authors prefer, but it seems much more natural to use 2D for scatter plot visualisation. line 168: why 1252 genes? Is it the number of "most variable" genes that were retained for this analysis? How was this done? line 171: 1518 neurons had both modalities, but 2945 neurons were sequenced. What about the remaining 2945-1518 neurons: if they were sequenced using Patch-seq, how come they do not have electrophysiological recordings? Lines 208-222: reorganize the text, it is hard to follow line 228 and Fig 3B: the text says that the performance of z_e -> class label increases with lambda and it would indeed make sense, however the figure shows that the perfomance drops when lambda grows above 1. Why? line 248: "using alpha<1 (section 2.4)" -- I did not understand this. What is this alpha, why was it <1 in the ephys space? Significance: Potentially high significance, but paper too premature.