SPoC: Search-based Pseudocode to Code

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019)

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Sumith Kulal, Panupong Pasupat, Kartik Chandra, Mina Lee, Oded Padon, Alex Aiken, Percy Liang


We consider the task of mapping pseudocode to executable code, assuming a one-to-one correspondence between lines of pseudocode and lines of code. Given test cases as a mechanism to validate programs, we search over the space of possible translations of the pseudocode to find a program that compiles and passes the test cases. While performing a best-first search, compilation errors constitute 88.7% of program failures. To better guide this search, we learn to predict the line of the program responsible for the failure and focus search over alternative translations of the pseudocode for that line. For evaluation, we collected the SPoC dataset (Search-based Pseudocode to Code) containing 18,356 C++ programs with human-authored pseudocode and test cases. Under a budget of 100 program compilations, performing search improves the synthesis success rate over using the top-one translation of the pseudocode from 25.6% to 44.7%.