Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Jiahe Bai, Baojian Zhou, Deqing Yang, Yanghua Xiao
Efficient computation of graph diffusion equations (GDEs), such as Personalized PageRank, Katz centrality, and the Heat kernel, is crucial for clustering, training neural networks, and many other graph-related problems. Standard iterative methods require accessing the whole graph per iteration, making them time-consuming for large-scale graphs. While existing local solvers approximate diffusion vectors through heuristic local updates, they often operate sequentially and are typically designed for specific diffusion types, limiting their applicability. Given that diffusion vectors are highly localizable, as measured by the participation ratio, this paper introduces a novel framework for approximately solving GDEs using a local diffusion process. This framework reveals the suboptimality of existing local solvers. Furthermore, our approach effectively localizes standard iterative solvers by designing simple and provably sublinear time algorithms. These new local solvers are highly parallelizable, making them well-suited for implementation on GPUs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in quickly obtaining approximate diffusion vectors, achieving up to a hundred-fold speed improvement, and its applicability to large-scale dynamic graphs. Our framework could also facilitate more efficient local message-passing mechanisms for GNNs.