HORSE: Hierarchical Representation for Large-Scale Neural Subset Selection

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Binghui Xie, Yixuan Wang, Yongqiang Chen, Kaiwen Zhou, Yu Li, Wei Meng, James Cheng


Subset selection tasks, such as anomaly detection and compound selection in AI-assisted drug discovery, are crucial for a wide range of applications. Learning subset-valued functions with neural networks has achieved great success by incorporating permutation invariance symmetry into the architecture. However, existing neural set architectures often struggle to either capture comprehensive information from the superset or address complex interactions within the input. Additionally, they often fail to perform in scenarios where superset sizes surpass available memory capacity. To address these challenges, we introduce the novel concept of the Identity Property, which requires models to integrate information from the originating set, resulting in the development of neural networks that excel at performing effective subset selection from large supersets. Moreover, we present the Hierarchical Representation of Neural Subset Selection (HORSE), an attention-based method that learns complex interactions and retains information from both the input set and the optimal subset supervision signal. Specifically, HORSE enables the partitioning of the input ground set into manageable chunks that can be processed independently and then aggregated, ensuring consistent outcomes across different partitions. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate that HORSE significantly enhances neural subset selection performance by capturing more complex information and surpasses state-of-the-art methods in handling large-scale inputs by a margin of up to 20%.