Fine Tuning Out-of-Vocabulary Item Recommendation with User Sequence Imagination

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Ruochen Liu, Hao Chen, Yuanchen Bei, Qijie Shen, Fangwei Zhong, Senzhang Wang, Jianxin Wang


Recommending out-of-vocabulary (OOV) items is a challenging problem since the in-vocabulary (IV) items have well-trained behavioral embeddings but the OOV items only have content features. Current OOV recommendation models often generate 'makeshift' embeddings for OOV items from content features and then jointly recommend with the `makeshift' OOV item embeddings and the behavioral IV item embeddings. However, merely using the 'makeshift' embedding will result in suboptimal recommendation performance due to the substantial gap between the content feature and the behavioral embeddings. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel User Sequence IMagination (USIM) fine-tuning framework, which first imagines the user sequences and then refines the generated OOV embeddings with the user behavioral embeddings. Specifically, we frame the user sequence imagination as a reinforcement learning problem and develop a recommendation-focused reward function to evaluate to what extent a user can help recommend the OOV items. Besides, we propose an embedding-driven transition function to model the embedding transition after imaging a user. USIM has been deployed on a prominent e-commerce platform for months, offering recommendations for millions of OOV items and billions of users. Extensive experiments demonstrate that USIM outperforms traditional generative models in OOV item recommendation performance across traditional collaborative filtering and GNN-based collaborative filtering models.