Online Relational Inference for Evolving Multi-agent Interacting Systems

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Beomseok Kang, Priyabrata Saha, Sudarshan Sharma, Biswadeep Chakraborty, Saibal Mukhopadhyay


We introduce a novel framework, Online Relational Inference (ORI), designed to efficiently identify hidden interaction graphs in evolving multi-agent interacting systems using streaming data. Unlike traditional offline methods that rely on a fixed training set, ORI employs online backpropagation, updating the model with each new data point, thereby allowing it to adapt to changing environments in real-time. A key innovation is the use of an adjacency matrix as a trainable parameter, optimized through a new adaptive learning rate technique called AdaRelation, which adjusts based on the historical sensitivity of the decoder to changes in the interaction graph. Additionally, a data augmentation method named Trajectory Mirror (TM) is introduced to improve generalization by exposing the model to varied trajectory patterns. Experimental results on both synthetic datasets and real-world data (CMU MoCap for human motion) demonstrate that ORI significantly improves the accuracy and adaptability of relational inference in dynamic settings compared to existing methods. This approach is model-agnostic, enabling seamless integration with various neural relational inference (NRI) architectures, and offers a robust solution for real-time applications in complex, evolving systems.