Directional Smoothness and Gradient Methods: Convergence and Adaptivity

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Aaron Mishkin, Ahmed Khaled, Yuanhao Wang, Aaron Defazio, Robert Gower


We develop new sub-optimality bounds for gradient descent (GD) that depend on the conditioning of the objective along the path of optimization, rather than on global, worst-case constants. Key to our proofs is directional smoothness, a measure of gradient variation that we use to develop upper-bounds on the objective. Minimizing these upper-bounds requires solving implicit equations to obtain a sequence of strongly adapted step-sizes; we show that these equations are straightforward to solve for convex quadratics and lead to new guarantees for two classical step-sizes. For general functions, we prove that the Polyak step-size and normalized GD obtain fast, path-dependent rates despite using no knowledge of the directional smoothness. Experiments on logistic regression show our convergence guarantees are tighter than the classical theory based on $L$-smoothness.