Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Yunwei Ren, Zixuan Wang, Jason Lee
Transformers have achieved significant success in natural language modeling because of their exceptional capabilities to combine contextual information and global knowledge, yet their theoretical basis remains unclear. In this paper, we first propose Sparse Contextual Bigram (SCB), a natural extension to the classical bigram model, where the generation of the next token depends on a sparse set of earlier positions determined by the last token. We investigate the training dynamics and sample complexity of learning SCB using a one-layer linear transformer with a gradient-based algorithm. We show that when trained from scratch, the training process can be split into an initial sample-intensive stage where the correlation is boosted from zero to a nontrivial value, followed by a more sample-efficient stage of further improvement. Additionally, we prove that, provided a nontrivial correlation between the downstream and pretraining tasks, finetuning from a pretrained model allows us to bypass the initial sample-intensive stage. We also empirically demonstrate that our algorithm can outperform SGD in our setting.