Active Learning with LLMs for Partially Observed and Cost-Aware Scenarios

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Nicolás Astorga, Tennison Liu, Nabeel Seedat, Mihaela van der Schaar


Conducting experiments and gathering data for machine learning models is a complex and expensive endeavor, particularly when confronted with limited information. Typically, extensive _experiments_ to obtain features and labels come with a significant acquisition cost, making it impractical to carry out all of them. Therefore, it becomes crucial to strategically determine what to acquire to maximize the predictive performance while minimizing costs. To perform this task, existing data acquisition methods assume the availability of an initial dataset that is both fully-observed and labeled, crucially overlooking the **partial observability** of features characteristic of many real-world scenarios. In response to this challenge, we present Partially Observable Cost-Aware Active-Learning (POCA), a new learning approach aimed at improving model generalization in data-scarce and data-costly scenarios through label and/or feature acquisition. Introducing $\mu$POCA as an instantiation, we maximise the uncertainty reduction in the predictive model when obtaining labels and features, considering associated costs. $\mu$POCA enhance traditional Active Learning metrics based solely on the observed features by generating the unobserved features through Generative Surrogate Models, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs). We empirically validate $\mu$POCA across diverse tabular datasets, varying data availability, acquisition costs, and LLMs.