Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Adhyyan Narang, Andrew Wagenmaker, Lillian Ratliff, Kevin G. Jamieson
In this paper, we study the non-asymptotic sample complexity for the pure exploration problem in contextual bandits and tabular reinforcement learning (RL): identifying an $\epsilon$-optimal policy from a set of policies $\Pi$ with high probability. Existing work in bandits has shown that it is possible to identify the best policy by estimating only the *difference* between the behaviors of individual policies–which can have substantially lower variance than estimating the behavior of each policy directly—yet the best-known complexities in RL fail to take advantage of this, and instead estimate the behavior of each policy directly. Does it suffice to estimate only the differences in the behaviors of policies in RL? We answer this question positively for contextual bandits, but in the negative for tabular RL, showing a separation between contextual bandits and RL. However, inspired by this, we show that it *almost* suffices to estimate only the differences in RL: if we can estimate the behavior of a *single* reference policy, it suffices to only estimate how any other policy deviates from this reference policy. We develop an algorithm which instantiates this principle and obtains, to the best of our knowledge, the tightest known bound on the sample complexity of tabular RL.