Newton Losses: Using Curvature Information for Learning with Differentiable Algorithms

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Felix Petersen, Christian Borgelt, Tobias Sutter, Hilde Kuehne, Oliver Deussen, Stefano Ermon


When training neural networks with custom objectives, such as ranking losses and shortest-path losses, a common problem is that they are, per se, non-differentiable. A popular approach is to continuously relax the objectives to provide gradients, enabling learning. However, such differentiable relaxations are often non-convex and can exhibit vanishing and exploding gradients, making them (already in isolation) hard to optimize. Here, the loss function poses the bottleneck when training a deep neural network. We present Newton Losses, a method for improving the performance of existing hard to optimize losses by exploiting their second-order information via their empirical Fisher and Hessian matrices. Instead of training the neural network with second-order techniques, we only utilize the loss function's second-order information to replace it by a Newton Loss, while training the network with gradient descent. This makes our method computationally efficient. We apply Newton Losses to eight differentiable algorithms for sorting and shortest-paths, achieving significant improvements for less-optimized differentiable algorithms, and consistent improvements, even for well-optimized differentiable algorithms.