FineCLIP: Self-distilled Region-based CLIP for Better Fine-grained Understanding

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Dong Jing, Xiaolong He, Yutian Luo, Nanyi Fei, guoxing Yang, Wei Wei, Huiwen Zhao, Zhiwu Lu


Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) achieves impressive performance on tasks like image classification and image-text retrieval by learning on large-scale image-text datasets. However, CLIP struggles with dense prediction tasks due to the poor grasp of the fine-grained details. Although existing works pay attention to this issue, they achieve limited improvements and usually sacrifice the important visual-semantic consistency. To overcome these limitations, we propose FineCLIP, which keeps the global contrastive learning to preserve the visual-semantic consistency and further enhances the fine-grained understanding through two innovations: 1) A real-time self-distillation scheme that facilitates the transfer of representation capability from global to local features. 2) A semantically-rich regional contrastive learning paradigm with generated region-text pairs, boosting the local representation capabilities with abundant fine-grained knowledge. Both cooperate to fully leverage diverse semantics and multi-grained complementary information.To validate the superiority of our FineCLIP and the rationality of each design, we conduct extensive experiments on challenging dense prediction and image-level tasks. All the observations demonstrate the effectiveness of FineCLIP.