Learning Spatially-Aware Language and Audio Embeddings

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Bhavika Devnani, Skyler Seto, Zakaria Aldeneh, Alessandro Toso, Elena Menyaylenko, Barry-John Theobald, Jonathan Sheaffer, Miguel Sarabia


Humans can picture a sound scene given an imprecise natural language description. For example, it is easy to imagine an acoustic environment given a phrase like "the lion roar came from right behind me!". For a machine to have the same degree of comprehension, the machine must know what a lion is (semantic attribute), what the concept of "behind" is (spatial attribute) and how these pieces of linguistic information align with the semantic and spatial attributes of the sound (what a roar sounds like when its coming from behind). State-of-the-art audio foundation models, such as CLAP, which learn to map between audio scenes and natural textual descriptions, are trained on non-spatial audio and text pairs, and hence lack spatial awareness. In contrast, sound event localization and detection models are limited to recognizing sounds from a fixed number of classes, and they localize the source to absolute position (e.g., 0.2m) rather than a position described using natural language (e.g., "next to me"). To address these gaps, we present ELSA (Embeddings for Language and Spatial Audio), a spatially aware-audio and text embedding model trained using multimodal contrastive learning. ELSA supports non-spatial audio, spatial audio, and open vocabulary text captions describing both the spatial and semantic components of sound. To train ELSA: (a) we spatially augment the audio and captions of three open-source audio datasets totaling 4,738 hours and 890,038 samples of audio comprised from 8,972 simulated spatial configurations, and (b) we design an encoder to capture the semantics of non-spatial audio, and the semantics and spatial attributes of spatial audio using contrastive learning. ELSA is a single model that is competitive with state-of-the-art for both semantic retrieval and 3D source localization. In particular, ELSA achieves +2.8\% mean audio-to-text and text-to-audio R@1 above the LAION-CLAP baseline, and outperforms by -11.6° mean-absolute-error in 3D source localization over the SeldNET baseline on the TUT Sound Events 2018 benchmark. Moreover, we show that the representation-space of ELSA is structured, enabling swapping of direction of audio via vector arithmetic of two directional text embeddings.