Online Control with Adversarial Disturbance for Continuous-time Linear Systems

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Jingwei Li, Jing Dong, Can Chang, Baoxiang Wang, Jingzhao Zhang


We study online control for continuous-time linear systems with finite sampling rates, where the objective is to design an online procedure that learns under non-stochastic noise and performs comparably to a fixed optimal linear controller. We present a novel two-level online algorithm, by integrating a higher-level learning strategy and a lower-level feedback control strategy. This method offers a practical and robust solution for online control, which achieves sublinear regret. Our work provides the first nonasymptotic results for controlling continuous-time linear systems with finite number of interactions with the system. Moreover, we examine how to train an agent in domain randomization environments from a non-stochastic control perspective. By applying our method to the SAC (Soft Actor-Critic) algorithm, we achieved improved results in multiple reinforcement learning tasks within domain randomization environments. Our work provides new insights into non-asymptotic analyses of controlling continuous-time systems. Furthermore, our work brings practical intuition into controller learning under non-stochastic environments.