Dealing with Synthetic Data Contamination in Online Continual Learning

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Maorong Wang, Nicolas MICHEL, Jiafeng Mao, Toshihiko Yamasaki


Image generation has shown remarkable results in generating high-fidelity realistic images, in particular with the advancement of diffusion-based models. However, the prevalence of AI-generated images may have side effects for the machine learning community that are not clearly identified. Meanwhile, the success of deep learning in computer vision is driven by the massive dataset collected on the Internet. The extensive quantity of synthetic data being added to the Internet would become an obstacle for future researchers to collect "clean" datasets without AI-generated content. Prior research has shown that using datasets contaminated by synthetic images may result in performance degradation when used for training. In this paper, we investigate the potential impact of contaminated datasets on Online Continual Learning (CL) research. We experimentally show that contaminated datasets might hinder the training of existing online CL methods. Also, we propose Entropy Selection with Real-synthetic similarity Maximization (ESRM), a method to alleviate the performance deterioration caused by synthetic images when training online CL models. Experiments show that our method can significantly alleviate performance deterioration, especially when the contamination is severe. For reproducibility, the source code of our work is available at