Adaptive Labeling for Efficient Out-of-distribution Model Evaluation

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Daksh Mittal, Yuanzhe Ma, Shalmali Joshi, Hongseok Namkoong


Datasets often suffer severe selection bias; clinical labels are only available on patients for whom doctors ordered medical exams. To assess model performance outside the support of available data, we present a computational framework for adaptive labeling, providing cost-efficient model evaluations under severe distribution shifts. We formulate the problem as a Markov Decision Process over states defined by posterior beliefs on model performance. Each batch of new labels incurs a “state transition” to sharper beliefs, and we choose batches to minimize uncertainty on model performance at the end of the label collection process. Instead of relying on high-variance REINFORCE policy gradient estimators that do not scale, our adaptive labeling policy is optimized using path-wise policy gradients computed by auto-differentiating through simulated roll-outs. Our framework is agnostic to different uncertainty quantification approaches and highlights the virtue of planning in adaptive labeling. On synthetic and real datasets, we empirically demonstrate even a one-step lookahead policy substantially outperforms active learning-inspired heuristics.