Learning from higher-order correlations, efficiently: hypothesis tests, random features, and neural networks

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Eszter Szekely, Lorenzo Bardone, Federica Gerace, Sebastian Goldt


Neural networks excel at discovering statistical patterns inhigh-dimensional data sets. In practice, higher-order cumulants, which quantifythe non-Gaussian correlations between three or more variables, are particularlyimportant for the performance of neural networks. But how efficient are neuralnetworks at extracting features from higher-order cumulants? We study thisquestion in the spiked cumulant model, where the statistician needs to recover aprivileged direction or "spike'' from the order-$p\ge 4$ cumulantsof $d$-dimensional inputs. We first discuss the fundamental statistical andcomputational limits of recovering the spike by analysing the number of samples $n$ required to strongly distinguish between inputs from the spikedcumulant model and isotropic Gaussian inputs. Existing literature established the presence of a wide statistical-to-computational gap in this problem. We deepen this line of work by finding an exact formula for the likelihood ratio norm which proves that statisticaldistinguishability requires $n\gtrsim d$ samples, while distinguishing the twodistributions in polynomial time requires $n \gtrsim d^2$ samples for a wideclass of algorithms, i.e. those covered by the low-degree conjecture. Numerical experiments show that neural networks do indeed learn to distinguishthe two distributions with quadratic sample complexity, while ``lazy'' methodslike random features are not better than random guessing in this regime. Ourresults show that neural networks extract information from higher-ordercorrelations in the spiked cumulant model efficiently, and reveal a large gap inthe amount of data required by neural networks and random features to learn fromhigher-order cumulants.