Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Yuwu Lu, Haoyu Huang, Xue Hu
Blended-target domain adaptation (BTDA), which implicitly mixes multiple sub-target domains into a fine domain, has attracted more attention in recent years. Most previously developed BTDA approaches focus on utilizing a single source domain, which makes it difficult to obtain sufficient feature information for learning domain-invariant representations. Furthermore, different feature distributions derived from different domains may increase the uncertainty of models. To overcome these issues, we propose a style adaptation and uncertainty estimation (SAUE) approach for multi-source blended-target domain adaptation (MBDA). Specifically, we exploit the extra knowledge acquired from the blended-target domain, where a similarity factor is adopted to select more useful target style information for augmenting the source features. !Then, to mitigate the negative impact of the domain-specific attributes, we devise a function to estimate and mitigate uncertainty in category prediction. Finally, we construct a simple and lightweight adversarial learning strategy for MBDA, effectively aligning multi-source and blended-target domains without the requirements of domain labels of the target domains. Extensive experiments conducted on several challenging DA benchmarks, including the ImageCLEF-DA, Office-Home, VisDA 2017, and DomainNet datasets, demonstrate the superiority of our method over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches.