DisenGCD: A Meta Multigraph-assisted Disentangled Graph Learning Framework for Cognitive Diagnosis

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Shangshang Yang, Mingyang Chen, Ziwen Wang, Xiaoshan Yu, Panpan Zhang, Haiping Ma, Xingyi Zhang


Existing graph learning-based cognitive diagnosis (CD) methods have made relatively good results, but their student, exercise, and concept representations are learned and exchanged in an implicit unified graph, which makes the interaction-agnostic exercise and concept representations be learned poorly, failing to provide high robustness against noise in students' interactions. Besides, lower-order exercise latent representations obtained in shallow layers are not well explored when learning the student representation. To tackle the issues, this paper suggests a meta multigraph-assisted disentangled graph learning framework for CD (DisenGCD), which learns three types of representations on three disentangled graphs: student-exercise-concept interaction, exercise-concept relation, and concept dependency graphs, respectively. Specifically, the latter two graphs are first disentangled from the interaction graph. Then, the student representation is learned from the interaction graph by a devised meta multigraph learning module; multiple learnable propagation paths in this module enable current student latent representation to access lower-order exercise latent representations,which can lead to more effective nad robust student representations learned; the exercise and concept representations are learned on the relation and dependency graphs by graph attention modules. Finally, a novel diagnostic function is devised to handle three disentangled representations for prediction. Experiments show better performance and robustness of DisenGCD than state-of-the-art CD methods and demonstrate the effectiveness of the disentangled learning framework and meta multigraph module.The source code is available at https://github.com/BIMK/Intelligent-Education/tree/main/DisenGCD.