Target-Guided Adversarial Point Cloud Transformer Towards Recognition Against Real-world Corruptions

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Jie Wang, Tingfa Xu, Lihe Ding, Jianan Li


Achieving robust 3D perception in the face of corrupted data presents an challenging hurdle within 3D vision research. Contemporary transformer-based point cloud recognition models, albeit advanced, tend to overfit to specific patterns, consequently undermining their robustness against corruption. In this work, we introduce the Target-Guided Adversarial Point Cloud Transformer, termed APCT, a novel architecture designed to augment global structure capture through an adversarial feature erasing mechanism predicated on patterns discerned at each step during training. Specifically, APCT integrates an Adversarial Significance Identifier and a Target-guided Promptor. The Adversarial Significance Identifier, is tasked with discerning token significance by integrating global contextual analysis, utilizing a structural salience index algorithm alongside an auxiliary supervisory mechanism. The Target-guided Promptor, is responsible for accentuating the propensity for token discard within the self-attention mechanism, utilizing the value derived above, consequently directing the model attention towards alternative segments in subsequent stages. By iteratively applying this strategy in multiple steps during training, the network progressively identifies and integrates an expanded array of object-associated patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple corruption benchmarks.