Improving Gloss-free Sign Language Translation by Reducing Representation Density

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Jinhui Ye, Xing Wang, Wenxiang Jiao, Junwei Liang, Hui Xiong


Gloss-free sign language translation (SLT) aims to develop well-performing SLT systems with no requirement for the costly gloss annotations, but currently still lags behind gloss-based approaches significantly. In this paper, we identify a representation density problem that could be a bottleneck in restricting the performance of gloss-free SLT. Specifically, the representation density problem describes that the visual representations of semantically distinct sign gestures tend to be closely packed together in feature space, which makes gloss-free methods struggle with distinguishing different sign gestures and suffer from a sharp performance drop. To address the representation density problem, we introduce a simple but effective contrastive learning strategy, namely SignCL, which encourages gloss-free models to learn more discriminative feature representation in a self-supervised manner. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed SignCL can significantly reduce the representation density and improve performance across various translation frameworks. Specifically, SignCLachieves a significant improvement in BLEU score for the Sign Language Transformer and GFSLT-VLP on the CSL-Daily dataset by 39\% and 46\%, respectively, without any increase of model parameters. Compared to Sign2GPT, a state-of-the-art method based on large-scale pre-trained vision and language models, SignCLachieves better performance with only 35\% of its parameters. We will release our code and model to facilitate further research.