Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Sukjun Hwang, Aakash Sunil Lahoti, Ratish Puduppully, Tri Dao, Albert Gu
A wide array of sequence models are built on a framework modeled after Transformers, comprising alternating sequence mixer and channel mixer layers. This paper studies a unifying matrix mixer view of sequence mixers that can be conceptualized as a linear map on the input sequence. This framework encompasses a broad range of well-known sequence models, including the self-attention of Transformers as well as recent strong alternatives such as structured state space models (SSMs), and allows understanding downstream characteristics such as efficiency and expressivity through properties of their structured matrix class. We identify a key axis of matrix parameterizations termed sequence alignment, which increases the flexibility and performance of matrix mixers, providing insights into the strong performance of Transformers and recent SSMs such as Mamba. Furthermore, the matrix mixer framework offers a systematic approach to developing sequence mixers with desired properties, allowing us to develop several new sub-quadratic sequence models. In particular, we propose a natural bidirectional extension of the Mamba model (Hydra), parameterized as a quasiseparable matrix mixer, which demonstrates superior performance over other sequence models including Transformers on non-causal tasks. As a drop-in replacement for attention layers, \name outperforms BERT by 0.8 points on the GLUE benchmark and ViT by 2% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet.