Learning-Augmented Algorithms for the Bahncard Problem

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Hailiang Zhao, Xueyan Tang, Peng Chen, Shuiguang Deng


In this paper, we study learning-augmented algorithms for the Bahncard problem. The Bahncard problem is a generalization of the ski-rental problem, where a traveler needs to irrevocably and repeatedly decide between a cheap short-term solution and an expensive long-term one with an unknown future. Even though the problem is canonical, only a primal-dual-based learning-augmented algorithm was explicitly designed for it. We develop a new learning-augmented algorithm, named PFSUM, that incorporates both history and short-term future to improve online decision making. We derive the competitive ratio of PFSUM as a function of the prediction error and conduct extensive experiments to show that PFSUM outperforms the primal-dual-based algorithm.