Generalizablity of Memorization Neural Network

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Lijia Yu, Xiao-Shan Gao, Lijun Zhang, Yibo Miao


The neural network memorization problem is to study the expressive power of neural networks to interpolate a finite dataset. Although memorization is widely believed to have a close relationship with the strong generalizability of deep learning when using overparameterized models, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no theoretical study on the generalizability of memorization neural networks. In this paper, we give the first theoretical analysis of this topic. Since using i.i.d. training data is a necessary condition for a learning algorithm to be generalizable, memorization and its generalization theory for i.i.d. datasets are developed under mild conditions on the data distribution. First, algorithms are given to construct memorization networks for an i.i.d. dataset, which have the smallest number of parameters and even a constant number of parameters. Second, we show that, in order for the memorization networks to be generalizable, the width of the network must be at least equal to the dimension of the data, which implies that the existing memorization networks with an optimal number of parameters are not generalizable. Third, a lower bound for the sample complexity of general memorization algorithms and the exact sample complexity for memorization algorithms with constant number of parameters are given. As a consequence, it is shown that there exist data distributions such that, to be generalizable for them, the memorization network must have an exponential number of parameters in the data dimension. Finally, an efficient and generalizable memorization algorithm is given when the number of training samples is greater than the efficient memorization sample complexity of the data distribution.