Learning to Solve Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization in a Classification Way

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Ming Chen, Jie Chun, Shang Xiang, Luona Wei, Yonghao Du, Qian Wan, Yuning Chen, Yingwu Chen


The quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) is a well-known NP-hard problem that takes an $n\times n$ matrix $Q$ as input and decides an $n$-dimensional 0-1 vector $x$, to optimize a quadratic function. Existing learning-based models that always formulate the solution process as sequential decisions suffer from high computational overload. To overcome this issue, we propose a neural solver called the Value Classification Model (VCM) that formulates the solution process from a classification perspective. It applies a Depth Value Network (DVN) based on graph convolution that exploits the symmetry property in $Q$ to auto-grasp value features. These features are then fed into a Value Classification Network (VCN) which directly generates classification solutions. Trained by a highly efficient model-tailored Greedy-guided Self Trainer (GST) which does not require any priori optimal labels, VCM significantly outperforms competitors in both computational efficiency and solution quality with a remarkable generalization ability. It can achieve near-optimal solutions in milliseconds with an average optimality gap of just 0.362\% on benchmarks with up to 2500 variables. Notably, a VCM trained at a specific DVN depth can steadily find better solutions by simply extending the testing depth, which narrows the gap to 0.034\% on benchmarks. To our knowledge, this is the first learning-based model to reach such a performance.