One-Step Diffusion Distillation through Score Implicit Matching

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Weijian Luo, Zemin Huang, Zhengyang Geng, J. Zico Kolter, Guo-Jun Qi


Despite their strong performances on many generative tasks, diffusion models require a large number of sampling steps in order to generate realistic samples. This has motivated the community to develop effective methods to distill pre-trained diffusion models into more efficient models, but these methods still typically require few-step inference or perform substantially worse than the underlying model. In this paper, we present Score Implicit Matching (SIM) a new approach to distilling pre-trained diffusion models into single-step generator models, while maintaining almost the same sample generation ability as the original model as well as being data-free with no need of training samples for distillation. The method rests upon the fact that, although the traditional score-based loss is intractable to minimize for generator models, under certain conditions we \emph{can} efficiently compute the \emph{gradients} for a wide class of score-based divergences between a diffusion model and a generator. SIM shows strong empirical performances for one-step generators: on the CIFAR10 dataset, it achieves an FID of 2.06 for unconditional generation and 1.96 for class-conditional generation. Moreover, by applying SIM to a leading transformer-based diffusion model, we distill a single-step generator for text-to-image (T2I) generation that attains an aesthetic score of 6.42 with no performance decline over the original multi-step counterpart, clearly outperforming the other one-step generators including SDXL-TURBO of 5.33, SDXL-LIGHTNING of 5.34 and HYPER-SDXL of 5.85. We will release this industry-ready one-step transformer-based T2I generator along with this paper.