Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Jiashun Liu, Jianye Hao, Xiaotian Hao, Yi Ma, YAN ZHENG, Yujing Hu, Tangjie Lv
Intermittent control problems are common in real world. The interactions between the decision maker and the executor can be discontinuous (intermittent) due to various types of interruptions, e.g. unstable communication channel. Due to intermittent interaction, agents are unable to acquire the state sent by the executor and cannot transmit actions to the executor within a period of time step, i.e. bidirectional blockage, which may lead to inefficiencies of reinforcement learning policies and prevent the executors from completing the task. Such problem is not well studied in the RL community. In this paper, we model Intermittent control problem as an Intermittent Control Markov Decision Process, i.e agents are expected to generate action sequences corresponding to the unavailable states and transmit them before disabling interactions to ensure the smooth and effective motion of executors. However, directly generating multiple future actions in the original action space has unnatural motion issue and exploration difficulty. We propose Multi-step Action RepreSentation (MARS), which encodes a sequence of actions from the original action space to a compact and decodable latent space. Then based on the latent action sequence representation, the mainstream RL methods can be easily optimized to learn a smooth and efficient motion policy. Extensive experiments on simulation tasks and real-world robotic grasping tasks show that MARS significantly improves the learning efficiency and final performances compared with existing baselines.